CHILDREN, learning styles, parenting, preschool, school, teacher



There is always a constant talk around what is ailing our education system.

 Let us hold our thoughts there and focus on a parallel line of thought – what can make our education system stronger and sticky?

There is a reason why I use the word sticky. The digital world that we live in today is overflowing with information.  There is excess of information everywhere. If education meant information, then Google would win hands down. But the true purpose of education is not gathering of information. It is to have the ability to sift this information, take what is relatable, contextual and usable. That is what we could refer to as ‘knowledge’. That is why I use the term sticky. Knowledge sticks around for long, information withers away.

Now if we focus on the classrooms, teachers and the taught, it very evident that our teachers today are willy nilly led by Board diktats, curriculum and school mandates along with Management & parent expectations, running against deadlines, documentation of copious records, after school engagements and extra curricular activities. Enough to turn the day into a robotic affair. Where is the time for them to turn classroom teaching into a passionate affair. Yet in this very lack lies the magic. Instilling passion and inspiration into classrooms, subjects and curriculums – is the key to cultivating a learners mindset.

Before teaching a chapter, a lesson, or a piece of curriculum, we must attempt to inspire the child. Why must they learn language ? Why must they learn numbers and maths? Why must they study science and geography?

While there is already a good amount of focus on subject expertise (and rightfully so) we need to focus more on Inspirational expertise as well.  We rarely make the inspirational capacity building a vital part of all Teacher trainings. As the age old saying goes – we follow the rules in letter but what about the spirit? We attempt to teach curriculum but what about the soul of the curriculum? Are we getting that across to the children?

Food for Thought:

Inspiration begins right at the kindergarten level. Never underestimate a 3 or 4 year old’s capacity to get curious and inspired. In fact there is enough Research to suggest that upto 7 years of age the neurons connect most rapidly, thereby translating that this is the time to build synapses that get attuned to excitement, thrill and passion for learning.

Early childhood educators must not introduce alphabetic and numeric literacy without building in the purpose.

Alphabets are our friends, look at what they give us? They give us the gift to communicate, speak, read and write.

Numbers are our friends. They help us measure the things and world around us

Why must we read books?  Why must we look after our books?

If we spend a few minutes daily on the ‘why’ , then the ‘how’ becomes easier and relatable.

Primary Years are presumed as the years when the child’s formal schooling starts getting serious! There is so much pressure on writing, rote learning, completing syllabus, learning new subjects – that the teacher just loses track of the ‘why’. The rhymes, songs, dance, movement, and free play is thrown out of the window and a sombre learning journey begins. Not because the teacher plans it intentionally but because there is ‘so much to do. Where is the time for such activities’. Nobody really guides her on the point that Inspiration comes before perspiration. And inspiration is a smart cookie, you can dovetail inspiration in the heart of every Lesson with just a sentence or two, a minute or two.

Why must we study algebra and why must we learn to write essays?

Why do we have subjects for study and subject periods as such?

What is the purpose of studying EVS? Why and how are EVS and Social Studies related to each other?

Agreed that Learning styles, innate abilities and interest guide the learner’s journey, but it is a fact that all learning styles, abilities, and interests respond very well to inspirational quotient.

We talk about IQ and EQ, why not the INQ (Inspirational Quotient)

By Middle school the formal schooling aspect gets even more serious! Subjects involve deeper study, subject teachers are boxed in and student abilities and interests also begin to get stereotyped. Added to it, Pre teens and teens see a hormone volcano erupting every now and then. This age group is a total digital geek by now and have all information at the click of a mouse. So why should they attend classes? What is wrong with bunking classes? Why are grades important?  Why should they study chemistry when their interest lies in languages?

Herein too, the role of the teacher expands to near Herculean size. I mean the expectations rise but is the teacher able to deliver? Has she built in the inspirational capacity? Because such queries cannot be dealt with a straight jacket approach. The teacher needs to mould herself/ himself into an influencer at this stage!

I leave my thoughts about the INQ for senior secondary students for a later discussion.

But its time that we plough in Amazon stature energy towards inspiring our teachers to be the inspirer.

It’s a huge and daunting task that requires constant fuelling and re fuelling.

We need to keep our teachers inspired, so that they in turn can inspire our children.



The Rage !

Clearly , Day 4 and 5 belonged to the Thermal King – the Fever. (pun intended )

From a low grade fever the body temperature shot up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit .

The Virus was playing its power game to the optimum.

The symptoms vary from patient to patient and some are not ravaged by the fever. But the others , like me , who are – the trick is to make peace !

I tossed and turned  and went through a lot of mental anguish and then at last at the end of Day 5 , I made peace with the Fever. Just don’t fight it. Just try to live through it , to the best of your ability .

And that worked !

Try sponging if the fever goes high. I also kept my oxygen levels in constant check. Thankfully , the O2 levels remained fine.

My daughter pushed me in for a bath at the end of Day 5 . I think that is what finally broke the fever.

And once the fever broke, it  reminded me of a poem that we often read in school , Nissim Ezekiel’s – The Night of the Scorpion.  I totally aligned with the mothers sentiment in the poem. After having been stung by  a poisonous scorpion , she writhed in pain for 20 hours and all that she said at the end of the twenty hours was :

Thank God the scorpion picked on me

And spared my children .

I felt likewise !

Day 4 and 5 also brought in slight inflammation and pain in the throat , coupled with a cold.

I marvelled the way at which the mighty virus slowly spread its way through the body , limb by limb.

So to soothe the throat , a simple warm concoction of ginger , cinnamon , saffron and honey is good enough.  A lot of people had recommended the sachet by Patanjali but I found them to be out of stock at Amazon.  But no worries , the home made concoction serves pretty well.

And I carried on with steam inhalation , thrice a day.

To be honest,  the fever made it difficult to do the breathing exercises on Day 4 and 5 . So I skipped them. I was too weak to exercise. So I listened to my body diktat.

Day 6 was also spent with intermittent spells of fever.

Food remained very light and largely consisted of dal – chawal.

The anti flu medicines also make you very thirsty and dehydrated , so its good to keep the fluid intake very high. It helps in flushing out the fever as well.

I did try to read   and one can manage reading in those periods of the day  when the head is not fuzzy . But to be honest I did not enjoy it . I actually stated to enjoy reading from Day 7 onwards.

I kept my urge to write intact by adding on to my lexicon of visual vocabulary . And that kept me going through tough times.

I would definitely recommend limited screen time as it exerts the overtaxed body . So I did not indulge in any Netflix binge watching !

WHAT HELPED :  Home made kadaa, steam inhalation , warm saline water gargles , home made food like dal chawal, medication on time.

                              A silent Gratitude list to make you count your blessings .

                              A shout out for the family & friends out there , working round the clock to keep you healthy and safe.

CHILDREN, parenting, preschool, school, Uncategorized


photograph of happy children

Some of you might wonder as to how the topic of this article holds valid for Preschoolers.

Fair enough. Allow me to explain how the very thought of discussing ‘consent for Kindergartners ‘ cropped up.

Many a times, young parents walk up to me and ask, “My child is asking me questions about the # Me Too movement . They see it on television / newspapers and want to know what ‘Me Too’ is all about . Aren’t they too young to be talking about this? What do we answer them?”

It is such questions that led me to discuss the matter at length.

To nurture the 21st century learners, one thing which doesn’t work at all, is to brush things under the carpet. So let’s discuss this clearly and openly. Adult guardians need to discuss this with each other and when needed, with their children too.

Is it too early to talk about ‘consent’ to Preschoolers?

Firstly, we need to disengage the word ‘consent’ from ‘sexual consent’.

With early childhood learners, we need to deal with consent as a vital life skill.

So once we deal with ‘consent’ as a life skill, then the answer is – “No, it is not too early to discuss this with your child”.

Just as we teach them about tying their shoelaces , buttoning their shirts , cleaning themselves , courtesy and good manners , so also we must teach them to learn to read body language and nonverbal clues. (Their own as well as those of their peers/ family etc).

Such as, a frown means – I may be confused.  A smile means – I am feeling happy. A high five means – I agree with you.

How Can you Teach children to recognize  Non Verbal clues?

The best way is by talking to them.  While reading a story about Grizzly Bear, you may casually remark, “Ah, look at Ishaan. I don’t think he would like to be in the forest “.

If grandmother is sitting reading her prayer book, you may say, “I don’t think she would prefer to be disturbed at this time”

If your pet is taking a nap, you could say, “This is definitely not the time to play with Zorro”.

If the elder sibling is doing some Project work, you may say, “Didi needs to work by herself. Let’s check with her an hour later if she is ready to play with you “.

Remember, children need to be taught how to read body language and how to respond to that as well.

“See, Grandma is thankful that you let her complete her prayers “.

“Didi is thrilled because she completed a wonderful project. She looks so excited “.

“Zorro is ready to play now. You can see him wagging his tail and that’s a happy signal “.

Do not confuse ‘privacy and space’ with lack of empathy or feeling of togetherness. Treat it as an expression of their sexuality. Each child has his / her own unique sexuality and we need to teach our children to respect their own sexuality and those of others as well .

I remember my childhood days when a particular look on my father’s face would make me disappear from his line of vision for hours ! Teach your children to read your body signals and clues . They are as important as the spoken word.

Why do the stage and the mirror form an important part of our Preschool set up?

Well, it is to teach children to see what emotions look like. To learn to read a happy/ sad / confused face. It is as important for children to learn to read their emotions as well as those of others. (There are umpteen researches which reveal that children with relationship issues in adulthood were never taught to recognise and read emotions during childhood. They never learnt how to express emotions either)

Do children know when to say Yes / No?

The honest answer is that children at this age are on their way to a number of discoveries! Just as they are beginning to realise whether they have a sweet tooth or not, whether they prefer an orange candy or vanilla Ice cream, similarly they are beginning to discover some body urges / moods and preferences. This is the building up of their sexuality -the way they like to eat, walk, talk, sit, dress etc. So they need help in defining what a no or yes mean.

There is nothing wrong in setting up a home rule which says that “Dad likes to rest for half an hour after lunch, so no noise!”.

“Mom likes to read a book in silence on a Sunday afternoon, so no noise “.

Rahul loves the colour pink , so yes – he can have a pink bag .

Validate their body signals

Allow your children to shape up their preferences and express them too. Most children need help in recognising body signals. When your young one is rolling on the floor in an interesting display of tantrum, you may say, “I can see that you are upset. But rolling won’t get you anywhere. Talking to mummy could help”.

Some teachers use a good welcome practice. While ushering the children into the class, they give them multiple choices as to how would they like to be welcomed – with a hug, a high five, a jig or a verbal welcome. When this exercise is repeated a couple of times, children gradually learn to recognise what they like. They learn to recognize their body signals. Encourage them and respect the same .

Encourage children to read emotions – If a child is visibly uncomfortable at being hugged, tell the child that its okay with you.

If a child is not comfortable holding hands, tell the child that this is okay too. Let them be for a while.

Give due attention and regard to their body signals.

If a child wants to use the washroom in the middle of an Activity/ Homework, do not shush them down. Help them believe that they are beginning to read their body urges well. Yes, there will be some false signals and alarms out here, but most children will gradually wean off from giving false alarms.

If you shush them at this point of time, they lose faith in their ability to read their body signals & urges. From bladder control to building of anger / excitement to natural sexual curiosity – children need to be able to read them.

If the teacher /parent disregards or disclaims their urges and brushes them away often, children stop trusting their natural instincts. Such children are not likely to talk to their adult guardians years later when they undergo hormonal changes, menstrual discomfort and matters of sexual exploration

Because they have no faith in their own body urges, they apply the same principle to their peers, friends and companions. They are unable to recognise a nonverbal clue or physical discomfort of people around them.

They are unable to take a ‘no ‘ for a no.

So teaching consent and respecting consent needs to be brought in from an early age.

And again, the trick is to keep things natural, conversational and as free flowing as possible.



scrabble resolutions
Photo by Breakingpic on

Every New Year witnesses a deluge of resolutions, steely resolves, promises and silent vows.

Then follows a flood of Whatsapp and Facebook posts , taking  snide potshot at all those burly resolutions.

And poof ! a lot of them start spiralling out of the window.

Lets turn the game around.

No resolutions.

Lets just break some rules instead.

I don’t mean to sound like a renegade or a rebel at all.

All that I am saying is that let’s make the resoultions a bit fun. Lets put them in a ‘new box’ altogether.

You have always enjoyed a late morning in bed. Break the rule . For once or twice, get up to see the sunrise and do nothing perhaps – just gaze at the sky with a cuppa coffee.

You are the diligent variety who goes to work diligently and reserves all leaves for sickness or family weddings or emergencies.

Break the rule – take a leave on a healthy day. No rhyme or reason at all. Just a ‘me’ day. Chill out the whole day with no To-Do-List. I guarantee, that you will love this outbreak.

You are a parent who wants to be the perfect role model for your child. Great. You are so mindful of the way you walk and talk. Awesome. Just reverse it for a day. Go drop your child to school in your pyjamas, pick up some candy floss on the way, ditch the car or bike, take a rickshaw perhaps . Enjoy the freedom you get when you break away from your routine.  Pick up your kid from school with a balloon wala by your side or perhaps an ice cream cart in tow. Treat the whole lot of kids to a simple ice candy. Your child will get to see the fun Mom or Dad in you . And all that happened because you broke a rule !

If you are a teacher and a disciplarian to the core (rightfully so ) , at least one day present before your class a ‘different‘ you.

Mix around the desks, ditch the black board, hang a placard on the back of each child and and ask the kids to scribble on those hanging behind the child in front. Get the desks out, spread out a few rugs and cushions and  voila the class is on the floor.

Wow ! ma’m broke a rule ! (albeit a harmless one) . Now  sit down on the floor and get the kids undivided attention!

Whoever heard of learning new stuff while breaking a rule ?

You take the elevator to your flat every day. Just for today , don’t ditch the elevator, just get down halfway. Admire the floor you got down at. Bet, you had never seen it before !. Now keep climbing up casually , soaking in each floor and neighbour, one at a time.  Look at the richness you gained by just breaking one routine.

The list is endless…….

Don’t just whatsap your family a god morning on one Wednesday. Call them instead.

While crossing a traffic signal , wave and mouth a big thank -you to the traffic cop standing there. You didn’t really break a rule , yet you will see a jawdrop ever so pleasantly.

Each of us enjoys a mid day coffee / tea with our colleagues. Break the rule – have this mid morning coffee on one Tuesday ,with your support staff – whether at home or at work. Get to know their world too . You broke a routine but I am sure you will get admiration in plenty.

TGIF – Thank God Its Friday . Turn it to TGIM – Thank God its Monday . Because Monday means work / office / routine. And this is what gets us our bread and butter. So why not be thankful for a Monday too ? Change your attitude towards Monday. The whole week will fly by in a jiffy.

Instead of finishing all your grocery on a Saturday , do it mid week. Break the routine. Squeeze out some time mid week.  Fridays will then have extra time for some more fun stuff.

Weekends are for mall hopping and shopping. Break the rule . Do go to a mall. Go hit the Café Coffee day . Buy a coffee  and sit in a corner with a book. All by yourself perhaps. Get to know ‘yourself’, right in the middle of a hectic weekend.

And pray , why do we reserve just the morning or the evening for our prayers ? Our conversations with God can be anytime , no ? Break the rule . Give a call to God at peak noon. He just might be more free in these off- hours and you may have a better conversation too:)

So, my friends resolve to break the mould. Resolve to make your life fun and easy and only regimented and compartmentalised.  There are some rules that are to be followed in letter and some in spirit.

Likewise , there are some rules that cannot be broken in letter ….but breaking them in the right spirit ?

Well, its all up your sleeve and entirely your choice !




silhouette of four people against sun background
Photo by Dennis Magati on

The RJ on the radio is talking to the cine actress , Neena Gupta , basking in critical acclaim after the recent success of her newly released Hindi movie , “Badhai Ho”. The female RJ claims to have had a ‘Lady crush’ on Neena Gupta ever since the RJ  was a young child, sitting besides her mother and watching the actress storm the daily soap scene on Television.

The word ‘lady crush’ has stayed in my mind ever since and gave birth to a whirlwind of thoughts and sorts .

Having a ‘lady crush’ simply means to admire a member of the fairer sex, to look up to a female of the species , nurture a wish to emulate a lady idol or to simply  adore a girl /woman for a hundred reasons !

The choice lies solely in the eyes or heart of the admirer.

Why confine the word crush to the opposite sex or rather,why limit it to the opposite sex alone. Is ‘same gender’ appreciation  a taboo ? Or a rare phenomenon ?

Absolutely not .

An honest confession of a ‘lady crush’ breaks the commonly held myth that women can seldom admire each other.

Women can and actually do idolise  each other pretty much. It’s just that they get caught in the quagmire of ‘stereotyped boundaries ‘ and don’t break out into an ode or a song or a couplet for the same gender.  At the most ,we dare to hero worship our mothers or sisters , but seldom our contemporay female friends / co workers / partners.

We over think in this regard, perhaps. Apprehensions seize our thoughts before they dare to be expressed.

Let me confess openly that I have had more lady crushes than a so called boy crush

I have a lady crush on the young and vibrant actress Alia Bhatt for her sheer star presence on screen.

I have a huge lady crush on Sushmita Sen for daring to be a young single mother of two girls .

I have a strong lady crush on my middle aged school Principal who conducts herself with such elan and grace .

And I have a huge lady crush on my very own young daughter who is such a tigress and faces life with an attitude akin to what Simba had in the movie , The Lion King .

Admiration and adoration are not gender bound or age bound .

I would say they are ‘charisma ‘ bound !

Let’s get some admiration out of our Pandora boxes …..

Time for all my  friends to share their thoughts.

Who do you have a lady crush on ?

You may leave your comments  in the Comment box below

Remember , appreciation works wonders !